WHO: Pandemic Agreement Secures Nations Without Compromising Sovereignty

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Original article (in Serbian) was published on 8/6/2024; Author: Stefan Kosanović

The web portal Nulta tacka claims that the World Health Organization (WHO) has allegedly announced that sovereign nations will completely cease to exist by next year. This is the narrative that has been circulating on the Internet since the middle of last year, when the first draft of the Pandemic Agreement, created by the WHO, was published. This global organization said that the agreement is being misinterpreted, since it actually represents the desire of countries to strengthen global security, in the face of possible pandemics in the future.

The Serbian web portal translated the text taken from the American web portal Worthynews, which publishes many conspiratorial texts every day.

This text was published after the WHO had its annual assembly last week, which gathers 194 member countries. The countries reached an agreement on key changes to the International Health Regulations and set a deadline for concluding negotiations on a global agreement on pandemics by 2025.

Nulta tacka sees this as the end of sovereignty, so they claim that the WHO announced that “sovereign nations will cease to exist by 2025”.

There is nothing secret behind the global pandemic agreement. It is a draft which, after its adoption, should improve preparedness and response to public health emergencies.

The new amendments to the International Health Regulations adopted at the WHO Annual Assembly include the introduction of the definition of a pandemic emergency, a commitment to solidarity and fairness in improving access to medical products and financing, the establishment of a Committee of Signatory States to facilitate the efficient implementation of the amended regulations, as well as the creation of national human rights bodies with the aim improving the coordination of the enforcement of regulations within and between countries.

The WHO emphasizes that the claims that the Pandemic Agreement will transfer sovereignty to the WHO and give the WHO Secretariat the authority to direct, order, change or otherwise prescribe national laws, such as the ban or acceptance of travellers, the introduction of mandatory vaccination or the implementation of quarantine, are incorrect. They add that such a thing was never requested or proposed by the WHO.

“The draft agreement on the pandemic developed by member states confirms the “principle of sovereignty of member states in solving public health issues” and that “states have, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations and general principles of international law, the sovereign right to enact laws and implement legislation in accordance with their health policies”, states the WHO for Raskrikavanje.

They explain that it is important to understand that the countries – not the WHO – wanted to extend the negotiations on the Pandemic Agreement and finish their work no later than the next World Health Assembly, which will be held in May 2025.

In February of last year, the German web portal Deutsche Welle deconstructed the false claims that appeared after the first draft of this agreement was published. At that time, some false claims appeared on social networks dealing with encroachment on the sovereignty of states by the WHO, forced vaccination of people and increased movement control.

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