While Informer continues to portray the overthrow of Vucic as a trend, institutions are actively removing evidence of USAID support Raskrikavanje.rs (Serbia) 11/02/2025
Rally in Jagodina: Informer Estimates 100,000 Attendees, Analysis Proves That Physically No More Than 30,000 People Could Have Been Present Raskrikavanje.rs (Serbia) 03/02/2025
Elections and the use of AI: Croatia did not repeat the “Slovak scenario” Faktograf.hr (Croatia) 30/01/2025
Claim About Share of Energy Generated by German Wind Farms Unfounded Razkrinkavanje.si (Slovenia) 28/01/2025
The “Hollywood” sign did not burn down in the catastrophic fire that swept through Los Angeles Faktograf.hr (Croatia) 24/01/2025
RTS aired a manipulative video sourced from a pro-regime X profile during its news broadcast Raskrikavanje.rs (Serbia) 23/01/2025
It Is Not True That Corruption in Denmark Is Not Subject to Criminal Sanctions Fake News Tragač (Serbia) 22/01/2025