The Rothschilds did not patent tests for COVID-19 back in 2015

Freepik/@ pikisuperstar

Original article (in Serbian) was published on 08/09/2022

When you combine the coronavirus pandemic and the last name “Rothschild”, you get the perfect conspiracy theory. A document from the US Patent Office on patenting a system for testing the new coronavirus, submitted by Richard A. Rothschild, has been spreading on domestic social networks these days. The date on the document is October 13, 2015, which people claim is the patent application date. “Proof that the Rothschilds patented tests for covid in 2015”. However, the truth is that conspiracy theorists only misinterpret the statements in this document, and besides – representatives of the Rothschild Group, which the wealthy Rothschild family controls, claim that this inventor, although he has the same last name, has nothing to do with them.

The screenshot of this document flooded anti-vaxxer Viber groups and similar groups on Telegram.

“Proof that the Rothschilds patented biometric tests for COVID-19 in 2015 and 2017. Both were filed and updated several years ago, but were SCHEDULED to be published in September 2020!”, claims this “interpretation” of the document in which the “Provisional application Oct 13, 2015” is circled in color.

What is the truth here?

When you look closely at the document that was downloaded from here, it actually describes a patent related to a corona testing system, which would involve detecting the presence of the coronavirus with the help of smartphones.

As it says at the beginning of the document, this patent is a continuation of the previous patent application, which is a continuation of the patent application before that, and so on until 2015. In other words, the man who filed the patent (Richard A. Rothschild) had several patent applications within the same patent family, starting with the one in 2015.

What does it mean?

If this patent, under the designation “US 20200279585” as written in the header of the document, is searched on the Google patent platform, on the right side, you can see a series of “events” that preceded this patent of the corona testing system. They lead up until 2015, and they are classified in the same group or family of patents because they concern the same thing, which is – the use of biometric data, which can be seen by clicking on any of the patents in the time series.

More precisely, since 2015, Rothschild has applied for various patents that use biometric data – some use video systems, some concern sports performance of users, and a patent from 2020 concerns a test for the coronavirus. Before that, no patent, as you can see, has anything to do with the coronavirus. As already indicated, what unites them all is the use of biometric data, which is why they are all “grouped” into the same series of patents.

October 13, 2015, which is claimed to be the date when the “Rothschilds” patented the coronavirus test, is listed on the aforementioned list on Google as the “priority” date, that is, the earliest filing date in the family of patent applications.

“When there is only one patent application, the priority date would obviously be the filing date of that single application. If the applicant has filed a large number of related patent applications, the priority date would be the date of filing of the earliest patent application that first disclosed the invention”, states the explanation on the Patent Trademark Blog website.

The “priority date”, in this case, October 2015, is very important in the world of inventors.

As Germany’s AFP, a fact-checking web portal, vividly explains, if someone invented a time travel machine and filed it as a patent on January 1, 2021, the priority date would be exactly that date in the database. If he upgrades his machine a few years later, for example, with an automatic teleporter, it will be recorded as a “sequel” to the initially reported time travel machine. The priority date still remains January 1, 2021, although the inventor got the idea to upgrade the machine with an automatic system a few years later.

“Advantage for the inventor: if several inventors had the same idea for an invention, the one who filed his patent first will be the first to finalize the contract”, writes AFP.

What exactly Rothschild filed in 2015 is unknown because it was not disclosed, but Rainer Osterwalder, a spokesman for the European Patent Office (to which the patent was also filed in the Netherlands), told AFP that “the patent application had no reference to COVID-19 before 2020”.

This news agency also contacted the Rothschild Group, owned by the wealthy banking family Rothschild. A spokesman for this group told AFP that Richard A. Rothschild, the person who applied for these patents, had nothing to do with them.
By the way, the Rothschilds, like the Rockefeller or Soros families, are very common in conspiracy theories. As AFP writes, the mention of the Rothschilds and other wealthy families of Jewish origin is based on the anti-Semitic belief that the financial and political system of the world is controlled and used by the wealthy Jewish elites.

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