Djukanovic did not flee Montenegro

Original article (in Montenegrin) was published on 16/02/2023

Similar to the previous election cycles in Montenegro, this time, we also have the opportunity to read sensational headlines from local and regional disinformation outlets. So far, we have only one confirmed presidential candidate, but many are wondering – who will be the candidate of the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS). The names of the current president, Milo Djukanovic, as well as the vice-president of the party, Ivan Vukovic, are being mentioned.

However, some of the web portals, such as Srbija danas, claim that Djukanovic will not be running,  and not only that – this web portal also claims that Djukanovic fled from Montenegro.

“THE MONTENEGRIN MEDIA WRITE – MILO FLED FROM MONTENEGRO? Leaving DPS stranded! Time is running out, he finally realized that his END has come”, is the title of the article published by this media outlet.

The aforementioned portal refers to the writings of the Montenegrin web portal Borba. However, the article and the structure of the headline by Borba make no specific mention of the information that Djukanovic fled the country.

What Borba states is this:

“As the web portal Borba learns from reliable sources close to the high ranks of the DPS, Milo Djukanovic continued to ignore the party officials and leadership – he has been out of the country for days and does not communicate with them.”

Borba further elaborates on how the president’s brother, Aco, has already “escaped” to Luxembourg.

“Whether the elder Djukanovic is also setting the stage for fleeing the state and moving to some distant destination remains to be seen in the time ahead, but it is more than obvious that he will no longer be in state positions of responsibility and that he did not dare to face the candidates of the democratic forces.”

The article by Borba was published on February 13, while the one on the Srbija danas portal was published on February 16.

Although three days ago Borba announced that Djukanovic was out of Montenegro for days “ignoring the party officials and the leadership ” and “leaving them stranded”, the same web portal published information today that Djukanovic will be running as DPS candidate. and that “during the previous evening, he had a conversation with some of his colleagues and told them that he did not rule out the possibility of him being the candidate of the DPS because all polls show that every other candidate of that party would lose the elections with a significant margin”. In this article, there is no information about the fact that Djukanovic is not in the country.

Where is Djukanovic?

Djukanovic’s last public appearance took place on February 10, three days before Borba stated that he was not in Montenegro for days, when he signed the Book of Condolence at the Turkish embassy.

The following was stated for Raskrinkavanje from the Office of the President:

“Since February 10, the president has been here all the time performing regular activities at work.”

The Office also informed us that on the next day, February 17, the president would travel to Munich to participate in the Munich Security Conference.

This is not the first time that the media has written about the alleged escape of Djukanovic. We read similar articles in 2015, before and after the parliamentary elections in 2020, and even at the end of 2022.


DPS was supposed to reveal their presidential candidate on February 16, as announced by party vice-president Vukovic. He said three or four names, including Djukanovic ‘s, were in play. Vijesti daily reports that either Djukanovic or Vukovic are options that have been discussed. Antena M writes that the presentation of the candidates has been postponed until the beginning of next week, when Djukanovic returns from Munich.

The articles on the Srbija Danas portal and Borba, as the source of this information, are rated as fake news due to claims that Djukanovic has been out of the country for days.

The “Fake news” rating is given to an original media report (completely produced by the media that published it) that contains factually incorrect claims or information. Content that is rated as fake news can be reliably determined to have been created and disseminated with the intent to misinform the public, that is, to present a completely false claim as fact.

The article by the Srbija Danas web portal is rated as “Clickbait” as well. This rating is given to a media report whose title has no grounds in the article that follows. Such articles and features aim to attract the attention of the consumer with a sensational title, promising content that does not actually. Such reports are mostly motivated by financial interest, i.e. to increase readership.

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