“The UN secrets” do not reveal any creation of a “world government”

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Original article (in Bosnian) was published on 14/06/2023

A viral video “revealing” the secrets of the United Nations was published on the website of a well-known conspiracy theorist. He not only does not reveal the “secrets” behind this international organization but repeats a series of fabricated stories.

On May 21, 2023, a video titled “Secrets of the United Nations” was published on Facebook. The description states that it is a film that helps millions around the world to “discover the truth” about this international organization. Along with the invitation to share the video, it is stated that the film can raise awareness among influential people to help prevent the realization of the plan for the UN to become a “world government”.

The forty-minute video with subtitles in our language is a conversation between the presenter and former UN employee Calin Georgescu, who says that the UN is, in fact, part of a plan to create a “world government” that will control the population and property and that this organization is a bridge over which oligarchs rule the world. Before introducing the guest, the presenter states:

Welcome to another session of the International Criminal Investigation Committee. Today, we will take a closer look at the UN, which many are aware should become one world government as announced in the great reset. What is the UN and who are we talking to?

Georgescu was introduced as a former employee of the UN, where he worked for 18 years. He is said to have started in Romania as the coordinator of the national sustainable development strategy and the local Agenda 21. He says the world is controlled by oligarchs and they gather once a year at the World Economic Forum (WEF) meeting in Davos, Switzerland. He adds that they act according to the same agenda as the UN.

Georgescu says that most countries in the world do not have control over their own natural resources, which Davos supposedly controls. He also says that the “world oligarchy system” controls Europe and all presidents, chancellors and prime ministers.

He states that UN leaders instil a sense of superiority in employees, “buying them with money” and that employees therefore “sell their souls”. He also states that the UN invests in “manipulating the minds” of its employees and that they “select people who are ready to sell their souls”.

While “explaining” how the UN is part of the global population control plan, he says that all health issues are dictated by the World Health Organization (WHO), a UN agency in which “no one is elected”, but the leaders are nominated “slaves”. He also says that there are no elections because the oligarchs know in advance who will be voted out. So, allegedly, Donald Trump “was a mistake” because according to the oligarch’s plan, Hillary Clinton should have been voted for instead of him. After that, he talks about the pandemic, which, he says, was planned.

What we are dealing with now is this plandemic and according to these liars, it should have happened in 2016.


2020 was supposed to be a food and water disaster. They want to do it in 2025.

Georgescu decided to leave the UN, he says, after visiting the Marshall Islands, where he saw the damage caused by the testing of atomic bombs in 1960. After returning to Geneva, Georgescu was allegedly prevented from publishing a report on the mission to the Marshall Islands and then decided to leave the UN.

Georgescu also says that climate change does not exist, i.e. it is part of a plan for global population control. The leader then states:

I say this because the founder of Greenpeace, who has several degrees, one of which is in biology, explained in great detail that climate change is a myth.

This is always the main problem: fear because that’s what they do, they use everything to keep us in fear.

Coronavirus, virus epidemic, food shortage, climate change, warming.

It’s all a myth invented by the oligarchs so they can make money and keep us under control.

The video had over 12,000 views on Facebook, and the post received 360 “likes” and was shared more than 800 times. The video was first published with subtitles in our language on February 2, 2023, on the Telegram channel Info Team and on the channel of the same name on the Odysee platform. On the same day, it was also published in an article on the web portal Transformacija svijesti, and on February 3, 2023, it appeared in an article on the web portal Provjeri (.hr).

What are the facts?

The video “Secrets of the United Nations” was first published on December 30, 2022, on the website of the International Crimes Investigative Committee (ICIC), in German and English. On this website, it is stated that the founder of the “committee” is the American-German lawyer Reiner Fuellmich, who is in the role of leader in the video. Fuellmich has long been known for spreading conspiracy theories, fake news and disinformation about the Covid-19 pandemic. His claims have been addressed by numerous fact-checking organizations (1, 2, 3). Raskrinkavanje analyzed some of the incorrect claims made by this lawyer, which were spread in our language area (1, 2, 3).

The interlocutor in the video, Calin Georgescu, is indeed a former employee of the United Nations. At the beginning of 2022, he was appointed honorary president of the Romanian right-wing party Alliance for the Union of Romanians. At the end of 2022, he came to the centre of media attention because of the praise he gave to the fascist leader from the Second World War, which was reported by numerous foreign media (1, 2, 3).

The UN and the “world government”

The United Nations is an international organization that was founded in 1945, after the Second World War, to maintain international peace and security and resolve interstate disputes in accordance with the principles of international law. This organization, whose activities are based on the founding charter, consists of 193 countries.

Claims that a group of powerful people through the United Nations are trying to take control of the world and establish a “world government” are part of the popular “New World Order” conspiracy theory, which Raskrinkavanje already addressed in its analysis from June 2022.

“This conspiracy theory in its current form took off after the end of World War II and the establishment of the United Nations”, Professor Stephen O’Leary of the University of South Carolina’s Annenberg School told CBS, commenting on the rise of the “world state” conspiracy theory.

Conspiracy theorists, as stated in this analysis, saw the potential for the establishment of a “world government” in the UN, as an organization that brings together a large number of countries.

In the analyzed video, it is also claimed that the establishment of a “world government” was announced in the “Great Reset”, which is another well-known conspiracy theory about “elites” controlling all world affairs. As explained in Raskrinkavanje’s analysis from April 2021, the “Great Reset” is a plan by the World Economic Forum (WEF) that considers ways for countries to recover after the Covid-19 pandemic. Conspiracy theorists attributed completely different ideas to this WEF plan, which, in addition to Raskrinkavanje, was also written about by numerous world fact-checking web portals (1, 2, 3, 4).

One “world government” and Agenda 2030

Manipulative claims about Agenda 2030 do not prove that the UN is a “bridge for the oligarchs” who gather once a year in Davos to “control the world”. The story of population control and Agenda 2030, which spread during the Covid-19 pandemic, was dealt with in the analysis from 2020.

Agenda 2030 is actually a document of the Sustainable Development Program until 2030, which contains 17 sustainable development goals, and which was adopted by the UN at the summit held in September 2015 in New York. The document, as stated, is also known as “Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” and is available on the official UN website.

The World Economic Forum also helps the UN in implementing the 2030 Agenda through a partnership, as stated in an article by the fact-checking web portal Associated Press from February 2022. However, this does not prove that the Agenda has anything to do with oligarchs and control or the establishment of a “world state”.

As stated in the aforementioned analysis by Raskrinkavanje, the goals of sustainable development include a large number of topics – from the fight against poverty, hunger, disease, and gender inequality to the provision of water and sanitary conditions for life.

Pandemic and climate change

The former UN employee makes previously known false claims that the Covid-19 pandemic was planned. These claims, supported by false arguments, have appeared in our media space and on social networks before, as Raskrinkavanje wrote about in several analyzes (1, 2, 3). 

Using a series of incorrect claims, conspiracy theorists also deny climate change, which Raskrinkavanje has already written about in various analyzes (1, 2, 3). 

In the video, it was stated that the alleged founder of Greenpeace “explained in great detail” that climate change is a myth used to incite fear and establish control. In an analysis from November 2022, we wrote about the “detailed explanations” of Patrick Moore, who presents himself as the founder of Greenpeace, although he is not. The claims he uses to “explain” that climate change is not real are disinformation and fake news.

Human-caused climate change exists and it is not talked about to induce fear and establish control over the population.

The “Secrets of the United Nations” video does not talk about any secrets and repeats only long-known conspiracy theories. The claim that the oligarchs are establishing a “world government” through the UN and that this is a plan from the “Great Reset”, published on the InfoTeam channel on the Odysee platform, is assessed as fake news and a conspiracy theory. We give the same ratings to the claims that the Covid-19 pandemic was planned and that climate change is not real.

We rate other postings of these claims as a distribution of fake news and a conspiracy theory.

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