The World Health Organization does not plan “climate lockdowns”


Original article (in Bosnian) was published on 21/06/2023

The World Health Organization has been “accused” in articles by mostly anonymous web portals of planning to introduce climate lockdowns and that the world’s population will therefore again witness shutdowns like during the Covid-19 pandemic.

The World Health Organization (WHO) and its head Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus have been “accused” in articles by several web portals and in posts on social networks of planning to introduce “climate lockdowns” and take away the sovereignty of states.

On June 6, 2023, the web portal Provjeri published an article with the following title:

WHO plans to launch climate lockdowns?

The article states that the WHO is planning to introduce quarantines due to climate change, the very existence of which is implicitly contested. It is also stated that the WHO uses the “One Health” approach as a way of introducing this type of quarantine.

Now that the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) hoax is over, the World Health Organization (WHO) is busy devising its next tyrannical scheme in the form of another round of quarantines, this time to stop “climate change”.

Recently proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHRs) and the so-called Pandemic Agreement include what is known as the “One Health” approach. The One Health scheme will grant the WHO absolute “authority” to initiate “climate lockdowns” at such a time when “global warming” is determined to be too great a threat to ignore.

The article also claims that Bill Gates, whose foundation is said to be the main financier of the WHO, “cannot wait for the next fake pandemic”.

 Bill Gates and his Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation are the biggest financiers of the WHO, leading the organization’s tyrannical policy. Gates just can’t wait for the next fake “pandemic” to start, which will plunge the whole world into hell again – a much worse hell than covid, by the way.

The article also points out that the Covid-19 pandemic was actually only a “test” for the plans that the WHO allegedly has, and that Klaus Schwab, the founder of the World Economic Forum (WEF), is also participating in the alleged plan.

Covid was just a test for what WHO is planning next. The World Economic Forum (WEF), led by Klaus Schwab, is also involved in spearheading the scheme, which the Daily Exposé describes as follows:

“The WHO ‘Pandemic Agreement’ will not only deal with pandemics. It globally introduces the ideology of ‘One Health’. The concept recognizes the interdependence of human and animal health and the connection with the environment. Through this One Health agenda, WHO will have the authority to make decisions on issues related to the environment (including greenhouse gas emissions, pollution and deforestation), animal health (livestock) and human health (including vaccinations, social determinants, and movement population). With these expanded powers, the WHO could immediately declare a climate or environmental emergency and impose quarantines”.

Claims that the WHO is planning to introduce quarantines due to climate change were also published in an article by the web portal Istinom protiv lazi on May 25, 2023, in which it is stated that the head of the WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, at the World Health Assembly in Geneva, called on world leaders to surrender their sovereignty to the WHO.

The head of the World Health Organization, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, has called on world leaders to surrender the sovereignty of their nations to the WHO before the next pandemic hits.

The article of this web portal also states that the Pandemic Agreement is actually a tool to introduce the “ideology” of One Health, which aims to give the WHO expanded powers and impose quarantines.

Identical claims about surrendering sovereignty were then published by the web portals Nulta tacka and Epoha (1, 2), and were also shared on social networks (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8).

What are the facts?

The claims made by the web portal Provjeri about the Covid-19 pandemic being a “hoax” and that “Covid was just a test for what the WHO is planning” are part of the conspiracy theories that have been present since the beginning of the pandemic. Since 2020, in such narratives, the pandemic has been called a “plandemic” and it is claimed that the goal was the abolition of human rights and freedoms or even the “depopulation” of the planet.

In numerous analyses, Raskrinkavanje has written about such conspiracy theories, which deny all available facts that the pandemic is real and that it is a real disease and a real virus that causes it (1, 2, 3, 4, 5). Provjeri (.hr) often publishes conspiracy theories about Covid-19 and vaccines against this disease. Analyzes in which Raskrinkavanje assessed such content are available at the link here.

What is the “One Health” initiative?

In the analyzed articles of the web portal Provjeri and Istinom protiv lazi, it is claimed that the WHO uses the “One Health” approach as a way to enable the introduction of “climate lockdowns”.

The “One Health” concept is an approach that WHO has been actively advocating since 2017. As stated on the official website of the WHO, “One Health” is an approach that influences the optimization of human, animal and ecosystem health by integrating these areas, instead of keeping them separate.

Since humans, animals, and ecosystems are closely related and changes in one of these areas inevitably affect the others, the WHO advocates that such changes be responded to with a joint approach.

Regarding the work on the “One Health” concept, the official website of this organization states the following:

WHO integrates “One Health” into its units and offices, linking the provision of strategic advice on different policies and conducting training at local, national and regional levels. The goal is stronger programs that are owned by the states that implement them.

Details of the “One Health” initiative are available in the publication published by the WHO on June 29, 2022, which can be downloaded from this link.

What are the facts about “climate lockdowns”?

Climate lockdown is basically an idea according to which quarantines, such as those during the Covid-19 pandemic, could be effective in the fight against climate change.

The term itself, as the search shows, is often used in “conspiracy” circles where it is claimed that governments around the world will introduce quarantines similar to those seen in the Covid-19 pandemic, to combat all the problems of climate change. Those statements are incorrect.

The Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD) wrote about the term “climate lockdown” in an article published on March 13, 2023.

ISD, which is a non-profit organization from England dedicated to the protection of human rights and “reversing the rising tide of polarization, extremism and disinformation around the world”, as stated on the official website, specifies that the term became popular after the first quarantines in the Covid-19 pandemic.

The phrase “climate lockdown” appeared on social media two days after the first Covid-19 lockdown was imposed in Wuhan on January 23, 2020. Most of the initial uses of the term had positive connotations, contrasting the relative urgency with which one deadly threat (Covid-19) was approached with the other catastrophic, long-term problem of climate change.

ISD further cites examples of positive and negative attitudes towards different ideas related to the so-called climate lockdown, based on the fact that during the lockdown, i.e. quarantine during the Covid-19 pandemic, a reduced level of CO2 emissions was recorded. But stories about alleged plans to impose quarantines based on this appear only as part of conspiracy theories and fake news to deny climate change.

ISD writes about this in the quoted article:

The term “climate lockdown” refers to a conspiratorial narrative that claims global elites are using climate change as an excuse to curtail individual liberties and civil liberties. The discussion of climate shutdowns first became popular on social media in September 2020, when reports emerged about the effects of Covid-19 quarantines on global pollution, and some actors began to claim that these restrictions were actually a precursor to future climate-induced shutdowns. More recently, it has been used to stoke fear of the proposed “15-minute cities”.

In connection with the concept of 15-minute cities, let’s note that it is an urban concept that is focused on the availability of basic necessities and services, which would also include energy savings, for example, on transportation and fuel. In the analysis that you can read on the link here, Raskrinkavanje wrote about how conspiracy theorists presented this concept as a plan to shut down and control the population.

Similarly, the decision on the trial installation of the so-called traffic filters to reduce traffic congestion in the British city of Oxford has been misrepresented as the introduction of “climate lockdown”. Read more about it in Raskrinkavanje’s analysis available on this link.

When it comes to climate change, the WHO states that it is the biggest health threat facing humanity. It is also stated that the WHO has been working on this problem for 25 years:

WHO has been working on issues related to climate change and health for more than 25 years and has developed a comprehensive approach that aims to support countries in assessing and managing the health impacts caused by climate variability and change.

The WHO nowhere advocates “lockdowns” as part of measures to combat climate change, nor does it even use such a term in its official publications.

In the analyzed articles of web portals Provjeri and Istinom protiv lazi, it is completely unclear how and on what basis it is claimed that the WHO imposes and introduces something, considering that it is an international coordinating body of public health within the United Nations (UN), which does not have authority for any of that.

What is the Pandemic Agreement?

The Pandemic Agreement referred to in the article of the web portal Istinom protiv lazi is one of the documents of the WHO, which seeks to coordinate the global response to pandemics.

In the article of the analyzed web portal, such an agreement was incorrectly interpreted because it does not foresee any abrogation of the sovereignty of states or climate lockdowns.

Let us remind you that in March 2021, a press release was published on the WHO’s official website stating that world leaders agree that an agreement on the fight against pandemics is needed. The announcement states the following:

The main goal of a new international agreement on pandemic preparedness and response would be to encourage a comprehensive, multisectoral approach to strengthening national, regional and global capacities and resilience to future pandemics. This is an opportunity for the world to unite as a global community for peaceful cooperation that extends beyond this crisis.

Based on this agreement, on March 3, 2023, the WHO revealed in a statement published on its official website that the members had started negotiations on a global agreement on the prevention of pandemics. The document is called “Zero draft”.

At the beginning of the “Zero draft” (p. 4, point one), it was clearly emphasized that the principle of state sovereignty is respected when it comes to public health, especially pandemic prevention and the recovery of the health system. In the cited document, which is 32 pages long, there is no mention anywhere that the WHO will be given the authority to “impose climate lockdowns” or that this is even a goal of the WHO.

Did Adhanom Ghebreyesus call on countries to surrender sovereignty to the WHO?

The World Health Assembly was held in Geneva on May 21-30, 2023, as it was stated in the article of the web portal Istinom protiv lazi.

As reported by Reuters in an article published on May 22, 2023, the theme of the Assembly was solving global health challenges, including future pandemics, and polio eradication, as well as support in mitigating the Ukrainian health crisis caused by the Russian invasion.

The recording of the WHO Director General’s speech is available at the link here, as well as the transcript of the final speech, which was published in English on the WHO website on May 30, 2023.

During the speech, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus emphasized how important the fight against disinformation about the pandemic agreement is and denied allegations of “surrender of sovereignty”.

Therefore, it is completely incorrect that the head of the WHO called on world statesmen to surrender the sovereignty of their nations, as stated in the article of the web portal Istinom protiv lazi. 

Gates, Schwab and WHO

Conspiracy theorists often claim that Bill Gates, an American billionaire and philanthropist, is part of the alleged world elite that, through the WHO, influences events in the world to control the population, take away human rights and freedoms, and even reduce the number of the world’s population. Related to this are the statements from the article on the web portal Provjeri that “Gates simply cannot wait for the next fake pandemic to start”.

You can read about a series of conspiracy theories related to Gates in the analysis at the link below.

Associating Klaus Schwab, the founder of the World Economic Forum, with the non-existent climate lockdown plan is also based on the frequent disinformation that conspiracy theorists spread about him and the WEF. Raskrinkavanje has written in numerous analyzes that neither the World Economic Forum nor its founder have any secret plans to deprive the population of their human rights.

Given all the facts, we assess the claims that the WHO is using the “One Health” initiative to introduce climate lockdowns as part of the “population control” plan as fake news and a conspiracy theory. We assess the claims from the article of the web portal Provjeri suggesting that Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab are part of the plan about such lockdowns as a conspiracy theory.

We assess the claim from the article of the web portal Istinom protiv lazi that the director of the WHO called on world leaders to give up sovereignty as fake news. We assess all subsequent publications of these claims as a distribution of fake news.

Claims that Covid-19 was just a test for what the WHO is planning and that the Covid-19 pandemic was a hoax and a test for new lockdowns are also considered a conspiracy theory.

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