Pope Francis has not given his blessing for the rewriting of the Bible by Artificial Intelligence


Original article (in Albanian) was published on 2/01/2024; Author: Ilda Hoxha

The World Economic Forum will not rewrite the Bible using Artificial Intelligence, as claimed in posts circulated on social media. Faktoje provides data showing we are dealing with misinformation.

Posts shared on social media in our country claim that the World Economic Forum will rewrite the Bible using Artificial Intelligence and has even received authorization from Pope Francis.

According to a WEF internal source, the World Economic Forum has been given authorization by Pope Francis to rewrite the Holy Bible, revealing that the Pope wishes for the new “fact-checked” version of the Bible to be much more political, with a central focus on nature and much less on God‘ — users write on social media.

Investiguesi Shkrimor  26 December at 16:53  Pope Francis authorizes the World Economic Forum (WEF) to rewrite the Holy Bible.  According to a WEF internal source, the World Economic Forum has been given authorization by Pope Francis to rewrite the Holy Bible, revealing that the Pope wishes for the new “fact-checked” version of the Bible to be much more political, with a central focus on nature and much less on God.  Pope Francis has now declared that Klaus Schwab is more important than Jesus Christ, and now he is determined to devalue Christianity from within and replace God’s Word with the Elite’s demonic vision.

Posts shared on social media

The post captions a video taken ‘The people’s voice’ channel previously verified as a source of inaccurate news and support for conspiracy theories.

But, is WEF planning to rewrite the Bible using Artificial Intelligence?

A fact-checking conducted by our ‘USA Today‘ colleagues’ shows that the idea of rewriting the holy book of Christians originated in the middle of this year as a misinterpretation of a response from Israeli professor Yuval Noah Harari regarding the potential and risks of using Artificial Intelligence.

Information about Bible rewriting, based on Harari’s example, was initially published by ‘Slay News‘, a site known for spreading disinformation, especially regarding Covid-19 vaccines.

The ‘Slay News‘ article claims that Yuval Noah Harari made these statements during an interview with Pedro Pinto, Journalist in Lisbon, Portugal. The interview was conducted on May 19, 2023, in Lisbon and was published on June 6, 2023, on Harari’s YouTube channel.

During the interview, Yuval Noah Harari says, among other things, that: “Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a technology unlike any other invention of the past because it can make decisions and generate new ideas. Gutenberg printed the Bible in the mid-15th century. The printing press produced as many copies of the Bible as Gutenberg had set, but it did not create a completely new page. He did not have his own original ideas about the Bible. The artificial intelligence can generate new ideas, it can even write a new Bible’.

However, Harari is not a WEF advisor or employee and the international organization has not approved the use of AI to write a new Bible.

The World Economic Forum has never called for Artificial Intelligence to rewrite the Bible. These are false claims meant to discredit the important work that the World Economic Forum is doing for serious global challenges,” said WEF spokesperson Yann Zopf to ‘USA Today

From the research, it appears that Harari is an author and historian affiliated with the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. A biography of him appears on the World Economic Forum’s website, but the professor does not seem to hold any official position in the nonprofit foundation based in Switzerland.

In December 2022, a WEF spokesperson told Reuters that Harari has no connection with the organization, and the existence of Harari’s biography on the WEF website “simply means he has participated in one of our activities but does not work for our organization.’

The claim that an anonymous source has confirmed that Pope Francis has given his blessing for the Bible to be rewritten in a non-religious format by an organization outside the Vatican, without initiating an internal process or public debate with the community of clergy and Catholic believers, seems even more implausible and difficult to believe.

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