Evergreen photos of empty shelves in Europe: scenes of scarcity for every occasion Fake News Tragač (Serbia) 23/05/2022
Russian propaganda of the website Srbija Danas (Serbia Today): Dead bodies are moving Raskrikavanje.rs (Serbia) 12/05/2022
Serbian websites use a fake video to claim that a NATO commander was arrested in Ukraine Raskrikavanje.rs (Serbia) 12/05/2022
People gathered in the shape of the number 55 do not symbolize the “swastika” celebrating Hitler’s birthday Raskrikavanje.rs (Serbia) 12/05/2022
Accusations at the expense of authentic photograph: too dark to be citizens of Ukraine Fake News Tragač (Serbia) 14/04/2022
No, the Russian patriarch did not say that “Ukraine must be destroyed like the Nazi Reich” Fake News Tragač (Serbia) 14/04/2022
Nomen est omen: How the media call the war in Ukraine Fake News Tragač (Serbia), Raskrinkavanje.ba (BiH) and Raskrinkavanje.me (Montenegro) 14/04/2022