
The website Analitika did not make a hit list of Serbs

While nationalism and extremism are flourishing in almost all countries in the region, websites are regularly adding fuel to the fire.


Manipulation of an old photograph: Keanu Reeves did not felicitate Orthodox Christmas

It is often unbelievable how the statements and actions of prominent public figures from the world of film, sports, politics and similar are abused.


TV Happy is not banned in Montenegro, but the rebroadcasting of some parts of its program is restricted

The decision of the Agency for Electronic Media (AEM) to limit the rebroadcasting of some parts of the Serbian Happy TV’s program content to six months, due to hate speech and discrimination.


It is 300, and not thousands, of prisoners from Denmark who are coming to Kosovo

Last week, the media reported that Denmark would send some of its prisoners to Kosovo.


Nestorovic believes that the director of the WHO admitted that vaccines kill children

While anti-vaxxers do not believe in numerous scientific studies proving the effectiveness of coronavirus vaccines.


Fictional statements attributed to Novak Djokovic about NATO and Rio Tinto

Novak Djokovic is, very likely, the most famous person from this region, and because of that, he is an everyday topic in our speaking area.


Recycling a war criminal: A photo from 2014 presented as current news

The glorification of war criminals is a trend that has revived in the Balkans in recent days and weeks.


Constitution says one thing while the media say another: 500 articles on BiH “created in Dayton”

The claim that “the Dayton Agreement created a state union of BiH composed of two entities, the Republic of Srpska and the Federation of BiH” has been repeated for years in public discourse in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region.


Borojevic links childhood leukemia with diphtheria vaccine using a research disputed multiple times

The week befire last, Sasa Borojevic, an analyst known for spreading misinformation through social networks and other media, shared another suspicious post on his Facebook profile, which this time concerns the alleged connection between the diphtheria vaccine and children with leukemia.


Informer discovered a gene that, apart from Serbs, no other nation in the world has

At the beginning of the month, Informer published a story entitled “Serbs have a special gene” in its print edition.