“Today only, supplements at an 80 percent discount” – Fake Ads Peddle Miracle Supplements in Serbia Raskrikavanje.rs (Serbia) 29/11/2023
The woman praising Putin in a viral video is not a famous Serbian singer Faktograf.hr (Croatia) 25/11/2023
New Conspiracy Theories About Bill Gates: Vaccinating People Through Air Raskrikavanje.rs (Serbia) 21/11/2023
Alo is excited about Serbia’s 7th place (on the list of nine countries) Fake News Tragač (Serbia) 21/11/2023
Staying Informed During Crisis: How to Verify Information on the Israel-Gaza Conflict Raskrinkavanje.ba (BiH) 09/11/2023
Canada has no plans to start euthanizing children to save the planet Raskrikavanje.rs (Serbia) 08/11/2023
The petition against the scientific research centre was signed by almost 3,000 citizens Raskrikavanje.rs (Serbia) 01/11/2023