
Police in Vienna did not “take off their uniforms” and joined protests against the lockdown

A video from the protest against the anti-pandemic measures in Vienna is circulating on social networks, with incorrect claims that it shows Austrian police officers who “took off their uniforms and stood by the people”.


Fictional welfare: Electricity is not free in Belarus, gasoline is not cheaper than water, and teachers’ salaries are not $4,000

A photo of Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko is circulating on social networks, featuring incorrect claims about the alleged easy lifestyle in Belarus under his regime.


The Dayton Accords did not characterize the conflict in BiH as a “civil war”

The journalist of the RTRS morning show, while asking a question to her interlocutor, has incorrectly stated that the conflict in Bosnia and Herzegovina was characterized as a “civil war” in the General Framework Agreement for Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


“Breaking news” About Vaccines and Autism: Fiction from the Beginning until the End

A tremendous amount of lies and disinformation have been published in just one text, that tells about the alleged “official confessions” that there is a causal relationship between vaccines and autism.


When a lie subsequently becomes the truth

During the past three days, we devoted our attention to finding additional research on the story regarding Danijel Subašić’s statement in order to determine if we were really wrong when we rated it as a fabrication made by the website Životni stil.


Elmhurst Hospital and the false empathy of the anti-vaccination “nurse at the epicentre”

Erin Marie Olszewski, who introduced herself to the world as a nurse whose shocking experience of working at Elmhurst Hospital turned her into “an investigative journalist”, is a long-time anti-vaccination activist, who came to this hospital with “premeditation”.