A living room trial: Conspiracy theorists fabricate courts and make meaningless judgments Raskrikavanje.rs (Serbia) 10/03/2022
The “genius entry” of Russians into Kyiv is a violation of the Geneva Convention Raskrikavanje.rs (Serbia) 10/03/2022
Tabloids in Serbia stand on the side of Russia in its conflict with Ukraine Raskrikavanje.rs (Serbia) 09/03/2022
LIVE BLOG: DISINFORMATION ABOUT THE WAR IN UKRAINE Raskrinkavanje.ba (BiH), Raskrinkavanje.me (Montenegro), Raskrikavanje.rs (Serbia), Razkrinkavanje.si (Slovenia), Fake News Tragač (Serbia), Faktograf.hr (Croatia) and Istinomjer.ba (BiH) 02/03/2022
Live blog: Dezinformacije o ratu u Ukrajini Raskrinkavanje.ba (BiH), Faktograf.hr (Croatia), Fake News Tragač (Serbia), Raskrikavanje.rs (Serbia), Raskrinkavanje.me (Montenegro), Razkrinkavanje.si (Slovenia) and Istinomjer.ba (BiH) 28/02/2022
The Macedonian government will not publish the names of those infected with the coronavirus Raskrikavanje.rs (Serbia) 23/02/2022
Migrants are not becoming become new voters, and they are not settling down in Serbia Raskrikavanje.rs (Serbia) 23/02/2022
Montenegro is not sending “gay soldiers” to Ukraine Raskrinkavanje.ba (BiH), Raskrikavanje.rs (Serbia) and Raskrinkavanje.me (Montenegro) 19/02/2022
The fictitious court of the non-existent republic “condemned” Pfizer, the Pope and the queen Raskrikavanje.rs (Serbia) 03/02/2022