A video containing disinformation about Nikola Tesla’s inventions is spreading Faktograf.hr (Croatia) 15/12/2022
Haldenwang did not announce the murder of German opposition officials Razkrinkavanje.si (Slovenia) 15/12/2022
The police and DORH did not inform journalists that they were targeted by an alleged terrorist Faktograf.hr (Croatia) 24/11/2022
Journalists’ criticism of the public broadcaster’s leadership is not hate speech Razkrinkavanje.si (Slovenia) 14/10/2022
EuroPride: Myths, “cancellation” and looking for the culprit Fake News Tragač (Serbia), Raskrinkavanje.me (Montenegro), Raskrinkavanje.ba (BiH) and Raskrikavanje.rs (Serbia) 06/10/2022