“Ekspres vesti” and express conclusions: risks of Omicron infection in Germany Fake News Tragač (Serbia) 22/03/2022
It is not true that the media ignore the evidence that vaccines kill because of the war in Ukraine Faktograf.hr (Croatia) 18/03/2022
A living room trial: Conspiracy theorists fabricate courts and make meaningless judgments Raskrikavanje.rs (Serbia) 10/03/2022
The “genius entry” of Russians into Kyiv is a violation of the Geneva Convention Raskrikavanje.rs (Serbia) 10/03/2022
It is not true that Macron is not in favor of sanctions against Russia Raskrinkavanje.ba (BiH) 07/03/2022
Live blog: Dezinformacije o ratu u Ukrajini Raskrinkavanje.ba (BiH), Faktograf.hr (Croatia), Fake News Tragač (Serbia), Raskrikavanje.rs (Serbia), Raskrinkavanje.me (Montenegro), Razkrinkavanje.si (Slovenia) and Istinomjer.ba (BiH) 28/02/2022
Russia claims and Ukraine refutes: Whose announcements about the incident on the Russian border are more important for the domestic media? Raskrinkavanje.ba (BiH) 28/02/2022
SEE Check: Support to fact-checking of the attack on Ukraine and to our colleagues SEE Check 25/02/2022