“The Fight” (“Borba”) for disinformation about aid to Ukraine Raskrinkavanje.me (Montenegro) 07/04/2022
Chernobyl: What the Russians did not find after capturing the nuclear power plant Raskrinkavanje.me (Montenegro) 07/04/2022
The alleged burning of a Russian soldier has nothing to do with the current war in Ukraine Raskrinkavanje.me (Montenegro) 07/04/2022
There is no evidence that America was preparing a biological war against Russia Raskrikavanje.rs (Serbia) 07/04/2022
These are not fake Ukrainian victims, but a scene from a video set in Russia Raskrikavanje.rs (Serbia) 07/04/2022
The “NATO center” was not shelled in Yavoriv, nor are there any NATO soldiers in Ukraine Raskrinkavanje.ba (BiH) 29/03/2022
The work of “American biolabs” in Ukraine is not the cause of the “epidemic of dangerous diseases” Raskrinkavanje.ba (BiH) 28/03/2022
A photo from a disaster movie was not used in reporting on refugees from Kyiv Raskrinkavanje.ba (BiH) 28/03/2022