Fake news about Ukrainian gold in Poland used as a reason to make unfounded announcements of the entry of the Polish army into Ukraine Raskrinkavanje.ba (BiH) 26/09/2022
The candidate status of BiH was announced by mistake “by the end of the week” Raskrinkavanje.ba (BiH) 26/09/2022
The invented story of “Sister Milka” as a justification for opposing EuroPride Raskrinkavanje.ba (BiH) 06/09/2022
New nonsense on the web portal IN4S: Karadzic and Mladic will not be exchanged for prisoners of war from Ukraine Raskrinkavanje.ba (BiH) 05/09/2022
A new list of lies about welfare in Belarus is spreading on social networks Raskrinkavanje.ba (BiH) 05/09/2022
The former director of JAT as a megaphone of Russian propaganda about the war in Ukraine Raskrinkavanje.ba (BiH) 29/08/2022
Global narratives and local actors: 150 days of the war in Ukraine and over 1,500 disinformation in the region Raskrikavanje.rs (Serbia), Fake News Tragač (Serbia), Raskrinkavanje.me (Montenegro), Raskrinkavanje.ba (BiH) and Faktograf.hr (Croatia) 19/08/2022
A conspiracy journalist justifies the Russian invasion using anti-Semitic conspiracy theories Raskrinkavanje.ba (BiH) 19/08/2022