SEE Check is the network of six fact-checking organizations from five countries in South-Eastern Europe that work on the promotion of media accountability, improving media literacy and fighting misinformation and disinformation.

SEE Check are: 

Fake News Tragač

Serbia /

FakeNews Tragac is a fact-checking website dedicated to the fight against misinformation published in the Serbian language, both in traditional and new media. The analyses are conducted on the basis of daily monitoring of media content and reports from readers, who can submit materials whose authenticity they doubt. Materials can be submitted to the editorial board via the website or social networks. Read more…

Croatia /

Faktograf is the only Croatian media specialised in fact-checking, since 2015. Based on professional and ethical journalism, deprived of external influences, Faktograf researches and provides context on divisive political and social issues, debunks disinformation, fact-checks statements of politicians and others who shape public discourse. Read more…

Serbia /

Crime and Corruption Reporting Network – KRIK is a non-profit organization established in April 2015 with desire to improve investigative journalism in Serbia. The organization was founded by a team of journalists who for years have been engaged in exposing crime and corruption, and who have received many national and international awards for their work. Read more…

Bosnia and Herzegovina /

Raskrinkavanje was launched in 2017. and it’s one of the pioneer platforms for media and social media disinformation fact-checking in the region. It is run by the team of “Zašto ne”, an organization with years-long experience in fact-checking the accuracy and consistency of statements by public officials, as well as monitoring the fulfilment of pre-election promises on the Istinomjer platform. Read more…

Montenegro / is a platform run by Center for Democratic Transition (CDT), whose primary purpose is to challenge media manipulation, improve the quality of media contents, increase media literacy and respect for journalistic professional standards. Read more…

Slovenia / was developed by Oštro, Center for investigative journalism in the Adriatic region, that is based in Ljubljana, Slovenia. It was launched on 6 May 2019 to monitor the public debate for misinformation, fake news and simply bad journalism that is distributed by the media, elected officials, political parties and interest groups. Read more…


These newsrooms are dedicated to fact-checking and debunking misinformation and disinformation, focusing predominantly on the content circulating in the online sphere. We debunk false claims and manipulative media and social media content on a daily basis. All the SEE Check members are verified members of the International Fact-Checking Network (IFCN) and the European Fact-Checking Standards Network (EFCN). Faktograf,, and also cooperate with Meta as a part of their Third Party Fact-Checking program on Facebook, Instagram and Threads.

Since 2020, we have been working collaboratively to achieve the following objectives: 

  • Combatting the effects of misinformation and disinformation by debunking false information and raising public awareness about disinformation sources and their impacts.
  • Enhancing resilience to misinformation and disinformation in the SEE region by improving media literacy among the public and various stakeholders.
  • Advocating for the improvement of the media ecosystem and the strengthening of journalistic professional standards in the public interest.
  • Strengthening the capacities of SEE Check members by facilitating the sharing of experiences and knowledge.

Our plans

The work of the regional network and its members is aimed at sustaining and improving current activities, while also pioneering new models, practices and innovative approaches. We plan to: 

  • Expand our day-to-day debunking efforts to encompass a broader scope of significant disinformation, continually monitoring media outlets.
  • Cultivate sustainable collaborations for debunking regional disinformative narratives.
  • Establish a regional English language platform dedicated to publishing the most compelling and noteworthy country-based or regional articles.
  • Develop the capacity to focus debunking and research on specific topics, such as disinformation and media hate-speech targeting vulnerable groups (e.g. migrants, LGBTIQ population, ethnic minorities, women), foreign malign influence on the media landscape; the connections between media and politics; radicalization of the public through disinformative narratives, etc.
  • Enhance and facilitate research capabilities in the region for regular local and regional comparative analysis of disinformation and media.
  • Strengthen the capacity to influence policy development in the fields of countering disinformation, ensuring media trustworthiness, and promoting media literacy.
  • Formulate a regional media literacy approach and exchange experiences and techniques existing in the region
  • Amplify our presence and impact on the national, regional, European, and global levels


To discuss the newsroom’s efforts, share a lead, or make a suggestion, please contact us at or via FacebookX, or LinkedIn.

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