Hungary Is Not Leaving NATO

Original article (in Bosnian) was published on 10/7/2024; Author: Irna Halilović Statements by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán about the country’s efforts to redefine

Zelensky Did Not Buy a Casino in Cyprus

Original article (in Bosnian) was published on 9/7/2024; Author: Suljo Ćursulić The claim that Ukraine’s president bought a hotel and casino in Cyprus originated

No Risk of Dissolution for the European Parliament

Original article (in Albanian) was published on 7/6/2024; Author: Barbara Halla Misinterpretation surrounding the likelihood of increased far-right votes Claim: This year’s elections pose

Fake News About Civil War in Germany

Original article (in B/H/S) was published on 18/6/2024; Author: Marija Manojlović Recent incidents in Germany, occurring just before the European Parliament elections, have sparked

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